Meet The Brewer Series | The Tuppenny
The Tuppenny on Duration Brewing
Our pubs, micro pubs, beer bars and bottle shops rep us right. We love seeing our beer presented by the passionate people in our supply chain and for International Women’s Day our founder Miranda shares some insights with Swindon’s finest – The Tuppenny talking to Ed on our hopes for the future. In Ed’s words..
In recognition of International Womens Day 2021 and all the amazing women in our industry, and because they brewed our beer of the year 2020, we grabbed a chat with Miranda from the amazing Duration Brewing. It is one of the great truths that in brewing, in particular independent craft brewing, the vast majority of people you meet are wonderful. Not just everyday wonderful, but out of the ordinary wonderful. Then occasionally, you come across people like those behind Norfolk brewery Duration, who take this to a whole new level.
“As a family brewery we embrace beer enjoyed in that setting and at source. Our brewery site is pretty idyllic, horses in the meadow, barn owls perched on top of our historic medieval stone barn. Our barrel store in an old converted cart shed. The ideal place to enjoy beer at source, family style and field to glass. As such our ethos is to be a brewery connected to a sense of time and place. By that I mean respectful of where we are and what went before us, both in beer terms and as a business we strive to put back more than we take from our moment in time. Sustainable practises govern our work and a sense of history govern our modern beer making practices.” Miranda Hudson
Duration [..] despite existing way out east in far flung Norfolk, have swiftly become big noises in the industry despite still having a relatively small brewery and output of beer. They command a lot of space in industry blogs and twitter feeds, way beyond the short lived and temporary title of “next-big-thing”, and all of it is universally positive.
Read the full article here
Feature photo credit : James Beeson, additional photos in this article by Carlos Torres, Beer Yeti, Mark Newton, Henry Muller, Tom Stapley and Theresa Undine.