Women’s Day Spotlight on Duration Brewing | Crisp Maltings
For International Womens Day 2023, our Co-Founder/Managing Director, Miranda Hudson, sat down with Maddie Darrell at Crisp Maltings – our globally renowned local maltster with 150 years behind them from just up the road!
In this interview, Miranda chats about the brewery being family run, the work-life balance, and where hopes to see Duration and herself in 10 years’ time.
We design a beer somewhat romantically I guess by picking the occasion or moment we see it being enjoyed. Like a wheat beer for a summer’s day on the beach with friends or an Italian Pilsner to enjoy in spring when doing some yard work.
Crisp was an obvious choice: we can visit the barley fields during drilling and harvest and see the crop on the field. Local is a big part of our ethos making Beers That Belong to their landscape.
To read the full interview, click HERE
Photos by Lily Waite, Mark Newton, James Beeson