Craft Beer Hour – Birthday Bonanza
Craft Beer Hour is an hour-long Twitter hangout that takes place every Tuesday and this week we are one of 3 hosting breweries. Run by Tom Stapley over in Essex it’s become a bit of an institution and a great hangout for beer enthusiasts or beer newbies – especially if you aren’t near a bar event or having a night in with the kids.
Different breweries host each week by being available to answer questions and have some chats online. All you have to do it use the hashtag #craftbeerhour. It’s an open format and very friendly. You can post an image of the beer you are drinking, give reviews or just raise any questions you have. It’s a fun way to try beers in good company from wherever you are. Talk about anything from the beer you are drinking and the breweries that made them.
In an extended Birthday Bonanza 3 breweries, we are happy to call our friends will host, and we’re up first!
8-9pm Duration – Norfolk
9-10pm Left Handed Giant – Bristol
10-11pm Little Earth Project – Suffolk
Why not pick up a can or bottle from each brewery and tune in on the night? Post a photo of either of our debut beers during the event to win big too. There’s a 12 pack and merch in it for one lucky listener.
Buy any host breweries beers to be ready to party.
Our beers to buy in are:
Turtles All The Way Down – American Pale 5.5%
Bet The Farm – Continental Pale 4.5%