Crowdfund chats with Miranda | Norfolk Farming Social Hub Podcast
Last week our founder Miranda Hudson had a chat with Sarah Juggins of the Farming Social Podcast about how farming and brewing go hand in hand and why Duration are crowdfunding to build an immersive taproom at their West Norfolk site.
The epic renovation of our listed building at West Acre Priories scheduled monument site and how she has forged relationships with fellow local producers who share a love of Norfolk and the bounty of the land.
“A brewer has four ingredients essentially to work with and every brewer has a different rendition when it comes to what they do with them.
“Beer is agriculture, it is farming… the closer we are to our base ingredients, the more we can do as the producer.”

“We want to build a community around our business to make the brewing process enjoyable and educational”.

“We’ll hold a community forage brew on the August bank holiday to encourage us to look again at nature”
Listen to the podcast by visiting Episode 22 Season 2 and jumping to 19mins in here.